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Aditus foundation – Larger than Life

‘Architects of our destiny’ is my contribution to ‘Larger than Life!’ an exhibition of human rights posters, organized in December 2019 by Aditus Foundation at Desko in Valletta.

They aim was to design large-scale poster to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the UN’s adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

While I was reading the statement to chose what I wanted to represent I’ve realized that despite100 years having passed after its publication, rights that seem obvious to me are unfortunately not always guaranteed for everyone in this world. Wondering which aspects to highlight, I decided to represent what I think they all have in common and make them fundamental, namely to guarantee us the possibility of being architects of our destiny, at none of us should be denied that we are all human beings ‘worthy’ of happiness and justice regardless of where we’re born, of our cultures, customs, lifestyles or religions. ⁠